Tracey Alysson, known professionally as "Alysson," has been a clinical psychologist since 1980, with expertise in hypnosis, EMDR, and Thought Field Therapy. In the early 1990s, she recognized the importance of understanding the human body in her work with individuals and their environments. To enhance her bodily awareness and knowledge, she became a licensed bodyworker in 2000.

In 1998, Alysson began collaborating with Marc Daniels, RPP, GSI, learning to integrate both human and spiritual aspects through the heart. Her main interest lies in what individuals do with their newfound understanding and freedom after therapy—after they have grappled with the essence of being human, complete with its joys, injuries, and the contradictions of life. Competence as a human offers liberation, but Alysson questions what one should do with this freedom. She believes our purpose is to confront, love, and accept our true selves. In her dedication to serving others, she primarily focuses on her own continuous personal development and the deep layers of her unconscious waiting to be acknowledged.